District 12 Agenda Topics Workshop (Panel 75)

Bethlehem Lutheran Church 1300 St Francis Rd, Santa Rosa, CA, United States

Agenda Topics Discussion How To Host a Sharing Session Speakers Including Area Delegate Chitra S. Potluck Lunch -- Please Bring a Dish to Share Registration 8:30a - 9:00a Workshop 9:00a

Love Thy Neighbor (and other YPAA Games)

Alano Club 1050 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma, United States

SOCYPAA Presents Love Thy Neighbor & Other YPAA Games Meeting at 7pm, games at 8pm. Suggested donation: $10 -- Pizza & cookie decorating with suggested donation.

Petaluma Birthday Chip Party

Alano Club 1050 Petaluma Blvd N, Petaluma, United States

Monthly -- The last Tuesday of every month!

[Panel Discussion] The Only Requirement For Membership…

Ladybug Park 8517 Liman Way, Rohnert Park, CA, United States

SCIF Presents a panel discussion on... The Only Requirement For Membership Is A Desire To Stop Drinking. Speakers share their experience on only having a desire to stop drinking. One

Founder’s Day Potluck BBQ

Ladybug Park 8517 Liman Way, Rohnert Park, CA, United States

90 YEARS OF AA FOUNDER'S DAY POTLUCK BBQ Food, games, fellowship & fun! If your last name begins with A-M, bring a side dish, If your last name begins with