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Christmas Alkathon
Community of Christ at Steele and Range 1495 W Steele Ln, Santa Rosa, CA, United StatesZoom information: Meeting ID: 515 962 4728 Password: 181875 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5159624728?pwd=TWMxUnYrWVlySWs4MDdOeGFMWmVPQT09
New Years Alkathon
Community of Christ at Steele and Range 1495 W Steele Ln, Santa Rosa, CA, United StatesZoom information: Meeting ID: 515 962 4728 Password: 181875 https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5159624728?pwd=TWMxUnYrWVlySWs4MDdOeGFMWmVPQT09