We who are in AA have found that the day we finally gave up trying to control our drinking was a new beginning for us. We joined a worldwide community of fellows who understood us because they shared our problem. They shared their experience in practicing the solution — AA’s twelve-step program of recovery. We found a new freedom with dignity and self-respect as we learned how to live one day at a time, and we gained new friendships and joy in living. AA members laugh a lot! If you join us in the fellowship of the spirit, you may be amazed at the transformation that is possible.
Here is some information to help you find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous.
Is A.A. for you?
Only you can decide whether you want to give AA a try – whether you think it can help you.
How it Works
From Chapter 5 of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, this reading describes the path AA members follow to a happy, sober, transformed life..
A.A. 12 Traditions
Growing out of the collective experience of our Fellowship, these principles help us maintain unity and our focus on our primary purpose.
Download A.A. “Big Book”
Our comprehensive guide to recovery that has helped millions of people worldwide achieve and maintain sobriety.
Reprinted with permission of A.A. World Services, Inc.